dr Joanna Kandzia

dr Joanna Kandzia

start cooperation

Wydział Matematyczno - Przyrodniczy, Szkoła Nauk Ścisłych

Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego
ul. Wóycickiego 1/3
01-938 Warszawa

Key words

Specialist in didactics of mathematics, use and application of digital media in teaching mathematics.

Academic research conducted

Research in the field of:

  • modern teaching resources,
  • the effects of using modern teaching aids - the student as a future employee,
  • the use of digital media in teaching mathematics - a remote teaching platform (e-learning); computer programs for interdisciplinary education,
  • the dependence and effects of ICT use in education, pedagogy and in particular in didactics of mathematics.


  • Katolicka Univerzita v Ruzomberku, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Slovakia
  • Stowarzyszenie Nauczycieli Matematyki
  • A state research project involving international cooperation - ICT in Educational Design Processes, Materials1, Resources. State
  • Research project involving international cooperation - Stymulators and Inhibitors of Culture of Trust in Educational Interactions Assisted by Modern Information and Communication Technology2
  • CSWU Careers Office in the area of maintaining standards and handling professional practices and developing list of facilities adequate for the university course program.
  • Archutowski Catholic High School in Warsaw.
  • Meridian International School in Warsaw.
  • Nurture through Art Foundation and Nonpublic School of Artistic Activity no 48 in Zielonka near Warsaw
  • Stowarzyszenie Nauczycieli Matematyki
  • Warsaw Centre for Education and Social Innovations and Trainings.
  • Psychologiczne Centrum Rozwoju PROFECTUS.
  • Educational portals: EduPress, interklasa, school showcase and Academic Partners Fund.


Training courses and apprenticeships in the field of:

  • commercialization of research knowledge, the effect of which was preparation and development of an innovative solution - Strategy of Publishing House Adam in Warsaw.
  • fundraising for development in the course of the project "Kwalifikacja jakości w Uniwersytecie”, CSWU;
  • Standard Minimum the principle of equal opportunity of women and men in PKOL projects,
  • teams for special educational purposes,

Apprenticeships for research workers in a company - capital city of apprenticeships, increase of the use of research infrastructure and human capital of a research unit for the benefit of the flow of knowledge between science and Warsaw business. The result was emergence of 60 lesson scenarios for junior high schools with the application of heuristic method for the company Matplaneta.

Offer for entrepreneurs

Conducting expert services /consultations in reference to the use of new technologies in studies - education, evaluation of the process of uprbringing and education in pedagogical institutions.

Professional experience

  • Since 2008 - academic at the Institute of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences School of Exact Sciences.
  • Project manager - Nowe metody nauczania w matematyce [New methods in teaching mathematics], POKL.09.04.00 14 133/11.
  • Project manager - Staże pracowników w mazowieckich jednostkach naukowych udział w stażu pracownika naukowego w przedsiębiorstwie [Employee apprenticeships in the research units of Mazovia, involvement of a researcher in an enterprise] POKL.08.02.01-14-007/11, support for the cooperation of the cooperation of the science and entrepreneurship areas.

NCBiR Grants (2018-2019):

  • Project manager - Z technologią informacyjną w fascynującą podróż do matematyczno-przyrodniczej krainy [With Information technology in a fascinating trip to the land of mathematics and natural sciences], POWR.03.01.00-00-U055/17-01 in the framework of Operational Program Knowledge Education Deveopment 2014-2020.
  • Project manager – Competent teacher of mathematics, POWR.03.01.00-00-K424/16 in the framework of Operational Program Knowledge Education Development 2014-2020.

Project manager – Modern teacher of mathematics, POWR.03.01.00-IP.08-00-MOC/18 in the framework of Operational Program Knowledge Education Development 2014-2020.


  • PhD in humanities in the area of pedagogy, Institute for Educational Research, Warsaw (Poland), pedagogy, general didactics.
  • A. in the sphere of mathematics, Faculty of Mathemaics, Informatics and Mechanics, University of Warsaw, didactics of mathematics.
  • Postgraduate studies in the sphere of mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics, University of Warsaw, didactics of mathematics.
  • Postgraduate studies in the sphere of education management, Teacher Training Center, Warsaw, qualifications mandatory for taking the post of a headmaster in education establishments as well as other managerial posts in preschools and in particular types of schools and facilities.
  • Certified teacher, Mazovian Education Office, Warsaw.

Examiner of secondary school final examinations (matura) in mathematics, Teacher Training Center, Warsaw, qualifications mandatory for evaluating matura exams in mathematics.



  • Board member of Independent Trade Union of CSWU Employees.
  • Member of committee supervising Physical Competition of the Mazovian Education Office and the Warsaw University of Technology, regional stage.

Mamber of Program Board of the Prague Mathematics Competition in Warsaw as a scientific expert.