Electronic travel and orientation aids from the viewpoint of people with visual impairment

Electronic travel and orientation aids from the viewpoint of people with visual impairment

Electronic travel and orientation aids from the viewpoint of people with visual impairment


Research on the scope of the use of electronic tools in orientation of persons with visual impairment Impact on the development of typhlopedagogy.

Project/study aim

The aim of the research was reconstruction of personal experience of blind and visually impaired persons who are the users of touch techniques or kinaesthetic-hearing-visual in their mobility, and electronic tools supporting spatial orientation and mobility. The research covered the degree of use of the tools, as well as the course of knowledge acquisition, and the skill to use it, as well as subjective senses attributed to it by its users in everyday functioning.

Research method

Qualitative method in an approach based on symbolic interactionism. The method of partially structured interview according to availability served for the collection of the empirical material.

History of execution

Conceptualization of terms in the areas of ETA and EOA. Formulating the aim, research problem, selection of research methods, and selection of research group. Carrying out qualitative research. Preparation of research report.

Effect of implementation

Determining new knowledge on the topic of the use of ETA and EOA by blind and visually impaired persons in Poland. Publishing a co-authored book “Orientacja przestrzenna i samodzielne poruszanie się osób z dysfunkcją narządu wzroku. Współczesne techniki, narzędzia i strategie nauczania” [Spacial orientation and autonomous mobility of persons with visual impairment. Modern techniques, tools and strategies of teaching] (Wyd. Naukowe UKSW, Warszawa 2017). Authors: Jadwiga Kuczyńska-Kwapisz, Emilia Śmiechowska-Petrovskij.

Information on achieved innovations

Thanks to the knowledge obtained new technologies may be designed for the orientation and mobility of the blind and visually impaired.

Impact of the result on: development of science, economy, society

Providing knowledge concerning the use electronic tools in spatial orientation of persons with visual impairment. Impact on the development of typhlopedagogy.