Structure and users of the portal


Structure and users of the portal

Project/study aim

The aim of the project, commissioned by Katolicka Agencja [Catholic News Agency] was diagnosis of the development potential of a news portal The diagnosis was bases on two pillars: analysis of the portal self and a study dedicated to the service users.

History of execution

The project, commissioned by Katolicka Agencja Informacyjna, was executed in 2012. The work was divided into two tracks. The first track consisted in the preparation of an expertise on the topic of the current and state and the future development of the web portal. At the same time, a dedicated study was developed among the users of the service (n = 388), in order to gather information inaccessible in other sources on the topic of the users of the portal and their motivations.

Effect of implementation

  1. expertise on the topic of research potential of portalu with specific recommendations
  2. statistical development of research results of the users.

Expertises were forwarded to the KAI Management, editors, and the marketing department, as the material for further development of the portal.

Impact of the result on: development of science, economy, society

The reports utilized directly in a media area company.
Research of this kind will contribute to the development of the culture of conducting Internet projects based in analyses and empirical studies.