Incomprehensibility of God as an element of anti-Arian polemics - ontological and epistemological issues


Incomprehensibility of God as an element of anti-Arian polemics - ontological and epistemological issues

Project/study aim

Determining the development of negative theology and shaping of the notion of God in IV century A.D.

Research method

Analytic-synthetic method (text analysis and synthesis of the Christian notion of God)

History of execution

The project was executed in the framework of a National Center for Science grant (UMO-2013/11/B/HS1/04140) in the years 2014-2018. The first stage of the project involved translation of texts of anti-Arian polemics of the II half of IV century. The second stage led to the creation of a monograph in English, and a spectrum of papers presenting research results. Research results were also gradually presented during international and domestic conferences.

Effect of implementation

Determining the philosophical background of polemics between orthodox authors and neo-Arians, and its influence on the adoption of the thesis on incomprehensibility of the essence of God.

Impact of the result on: development of science, economy, society

The studies of the project will bear influence on the studies undertaken in the field of philosophy of the Church Fathers and the Philosophy of God.