Laboratorium Metodologii Badań i Analizy Danych

Laboratorium Metodologii Badań i Analizy Danych

start cooperation

Instytut Psychologii UKSW
ul. Wóycickiego 1/3, 01 – 938 Warszawa
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Key words

Works conducted in the Laboratory are based on creating statistical models, used in psychological and social models.

Academic research conducted

  • advanced statistical analyses, including building mathematic models of psychological processes and social phenomena;
  • psychometric analyses, including test construction and  adaptation for the measurement of psychological traits and the creation of abbreviated test versions (i.a. with the use of artificial intelligence algorithms);
  • quality material analysis: text, audio and video material. 

Offer for entrepreneurs

In the framework of laboratory activity the application of professional statistical software is feasible (i.a.: Statistica extended package, Mplus, LISREL, Atlas i.e. MAXQDATA, Leximancer), which allow for conducting detailed research in the field of i.a. psychology.