- Areas
- Key words
Adjunct at the Department of Commercial Private Law, Department of Law and Administration CSWU. Expert in the field of arbitration, transactionmergers and acquisitions and private equity/ venture capital and commercial law.
Academic research conducted
Violations connected with M&A transactions
- Faculty of Law, University of Oxford;
- Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge;
- ICC International Court of Arbitration;
- Court of Arbitration Lewiatan;
- Polish Arbitration Association;
- Polish Private Equity and Venture Capital Association;
- GESSEL Law firm.
Offer for entrepreneurs
- Counselling for national and foreign entities on all stages of the process of dispute settlement;
- Preparation and assessment of arbitration clauses and the mechanisms of resolving disputes in trade contracts;
- Identification and risk evaluation in the scope of emergence of possible disputes;
- Assisting economic entities in conflict situations while signing contracts;
- Counselling in negotiations, mediations and other forms of ADR;
- Client representation in national and international arbitration proceedings and in all court proceedings connected with arbitration proceedings;
- Conducting or coordinating the proceedings for recognition or declaration of enforceability of arbitral awards in Poland and abroad.