dr n. pr. Aleksandra Syryt

dr n. pr. Aleksandra Syryt

start cooperation

Wydział Prawa i Administracji UKSW
ul. Wóycieckiego 1/3, 01 - 938 Warszawa, bud. 17
e- mail: a.syryt@uksw.edu.pl

Key words

She deals with constitutional jurisdiction, protection of human rights, legislation and the law of higher education. She Conducts research in the field of, i.a. constitutional and administrative law.

Academic research conducted

  • Judicial and out-of-court review of the constitutionality of law, with particular emphasis on the position of the Constitutional Tribunal;
  • Principles of law-making process;
  • Constitutional position of local self-government;
  • Human rights protection and technological development;
  • Religious freedom and its protection;
  • Autonomy of higher education;
  • Constitutional principles of the state system.


  • Lech Kaczyński National School of Public Administration;
  • Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń in consultation with The Center for Family Research UMK;
  • Constitutional Tribunal;
  • National Centre for Culture Poland;
  • National Institute of Justice;
  • Institute of Labour and Social Affairs;
  • EKON Association Disabled for the Environment;
  • National Senior Committee.

Offer for entrepreneurs

  • Legal expretises concerning compliance analysis of normative act drafts with higher rank acts;
  • Preparation of project assumptions of normative acts and normative act projects themselves.
  • Analysis of domestic and international jurisdiction, including EU jurisdiction in the scope pertaining public law.

Professional experience

Since  October 2007 to date: CSWU Faculty of Law and Administration.

Selected academic projects:

  • legal analyses specialist in the project “Profesjonalizacja usług asystenckich i opiekuńczych dla osób niesamodzielnych – nowe standardy kształcenia i opieki” [Professionalization of assistance and care services for dependent people - new standards of education and care, implemented within the framework of Operational Program Knowledge Education Development 2014-220 cofinanced with the funds from the European Social Fund (POWR. 02.08.00-00-0018/17-00);
  • manager of task no 8 entitled “System kształcenia prawników a działalność związana ze zwalczaniem przestępczości i pomocą osobom pokrzywdzonym przestępstwami” [The system of educating lawyers and the activity connected with fighting crimes and helping crime victims] in the course of the project “Działanie sprawiedliwości tranzycyjnej, edukacji prawnej i obywatelskiej jako element systemu przeciwdziałania przyczynom przestępczości”, cofinanced from the Justice Fund, where the Minister of Justice authorizes the expenses;
  • provided expert opinion in an academic project “Ochrona Porządku Publicznego” [Public Order Protection], pursued at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń in in consultation with the Center for Family Research UMK;
  • contractor in the project “Model regulacji jawności i jej ograniczeń w demokratycznym państwie prawnym” [The model of regulation of transparency and its limitations in a democratic state of law] cofinanced with the funds of the National Centre for Research and Development;
  • coorganizer of recurring conferences of the Department of Constitutional Law WPIA CSWU entitled Okrągły Stół Sądownictwa Konstytucyjnego [The Round Table of the Constitutional Judiciary];
  • co organizer of academic sessions in the framework of the project “Człowiek w Cyberprzestrzeni” [Man in the cyberspace].

Other selected projects pursued at CSWU:

  • manager in the project “Kształtowanie umiejętności i kompetencji studentów prawa przez warsztaty i praktyki” [Shaping the skills and competencies of law students through workshops and professional practices] no POKL.;
  • contractor in the project “Kwalifikacja jakości w Uniwersytecie” [Qualification of quality at a University] no POKL.04.01.01-00-155/11 cofinanced with the EU funds within the framework of ESF, Operational Program Human Capital, Priority: IV. Higher education and science, Measure: 4.1. Strengthening and development of didactic potential of universities, and increasing the number of graduates from faculties of key importance for knowledge-based economy, 4.1.1. Strengthening and development of didactic potential of universities in the scope pertaining the procedures of quality of teaching and creating a normative model of cooperation with the employers (and other external stakeholders)

 Other activities within CSWU

  • drawing up proposals to NCN and NCBiR;
  • drawing up proposals for cofunding academic and didactic activities to other entities (e.g. MNiSW, MS).

 Selected professional activity other than CSWU

  • assistant judge at the Constitutional Tribunal since 2007;
  • trainings in the field of lawmaking and preparation of evaluation of the effects of provisions for the public administration authorities;
  • drawing up project assumptions of normative acts (NCK, TK);
  • verification of project of normative acts (NCK, TK);
  • lectures at the National School of Public Administration in the field of practical aspects of law interpretation