dr Aleksandra Lisowska- Gaczorek

dr Aleksandra Lisowska-Gaczorek

start cooperation

Instytut Ekologii i Bioetyki UKSW
Wydział Filozofii Chrześcijańskiej
ul. Wóycickiego 1/3, 01-938 Warszawa (budynek nr 23)
tel. 22 569 68 05
e- mail: a.lisowska-gaczorek@uksw.edu.pl

Key words

Specialist in the field of research on the use of stable isotope analysis in biological material (archaeological bone remains).

Academic research conducted

  • Application of analyses of stable oxygen isotope on an animal model in the interpretation of anthropological prehistoric research and historic human groups
  • Archeological and anthropological elaboration of research results of modern ossuaries in Gdańsk, together with publishining
  • A cultural change in the Neolithic epoch and the Bronze Age in the region of Silesia Interdyscyplinarny dialog w dobie nowych metod Interdisciplinary dialog in the age of new methods
  • Bio-archeological profile of the population of Radom from early Middle Ages (XII c) to the contemporary times (XIXc)
  • Old matter with new methods - The use of the newest bio-chemical analyses in the Mesolithic studies of human remains from the area of Poland
  • Grave field of the elites of the Roman influence times in the center of the Amber Coast


  • Polish Anthropological Society
  • European Association of Archaeologists

Offer for entrepreneurs

Studies with the use of chemical methods supporting the determination of the relationship between biology, culture and environment, focusing on diet reconstruction, origin and human migration both individually and on the level of population.


  • member of Polish Anthropological Society
  • member of European Association of Archaeologists