Joanna Zaucha

dr Joanna Zaucha

start cooperation

Bosmańska 13 a, 04-613 Warszawa

Key words

A linguist and a philosopher, she teaches at Humanities Department at Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw. Her passion is language and speech seen form different points of view. She devotes her works to discover unobvious and heralded logical relations among units of language.

Academic research conducted

Semantic analysis of lying, slandering and distorting; more generally - lexical and discourse analysis focused on approval or disapproval elements as well as other inferential features of texts.


“Zarzewie” Foundation (, the aim of which is running, promoting and financing projects in the field of education, culture, art, and health care – in favor of open, tolerant and integrated society, creating every person chances for realization of their potential. 


Elaboration of educational materials on voice emission:  „Jak dbać o głos?” [How to take care of the voice]

Offer for entrepreneurs

  • Text analysis for the presence of the evaluator and inferential properties
  • Training courses and workshops on NVC
  • Workshops in the field of personal development based on voice emission

Professional experience

My personal life has always been connected with academic education. First, as a PhD student I was conducting classes and workshops for students of Polish major at the University of Warsaw and employees of the university, and ever since being awarded a PhD title in 2011 r. I have been lecturing at Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University. So far I have published 22 papers in linguistic journals and the IFP UKSW series Prace Językoznawczej. As an academic teacher I was giving lectures, run classes, specialization workshops (focused on practical skills), as well as seminars devoted to specific linguistic issues. I supervised seventeen B.A. theses. The effect of cooperation with the students is diagnosis of dictionary description of verbs of action entitled “Czasowniki mówienia w opisie słownikowym.  Diagnoza i perspektywy”. [Verbs of action in dictionary description. Diagnosis and prospects] Recently I have been working on a monograph devoted to markers of deceit in Polish.