Prof. dr hab. Jan F. Terelak

prof. dr hab. Jan Terelak

start cooperation

Instytut Psychologii, Wydział Filozofii Chrześcijańskiej

Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego
ul. Wóycickiego 1/3
01-938 Warszawa

Key words

Specialist in the field of Psychophysiology and Psychology of Stress. Expert in the field of Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Academic research conducted

Studies of the psychological and psychophysiological cost of a man operating in extreme situations: firefighters, professional athletes, surgeons, soldiers of UN Peacekeeping Missions, polar explorers, military pilots, cosmonauts.


Wojskowy Instytut Medycyny Lotniczej w Warszawie, Komitet Badań Kosmicznych i Satelitarnych PAN, Komitet Ergonomii PAN, Fabryka Traktorów w Ursusie, Produkcja śmigłowców WSK Świdnik, Bank Centralny PKO


  • Development of the first national computer system of group psychological examinations, known as “the Warsaw Test System”;
  • Validation of psychological tests for examining civil and military pilots;
  • Developing evaluation criteria for space flight candidates;
  • Developing battery of tests and criteria of evaluation for polar trip candidates;
  • Methods of candidate choice and selection for professional sport (boxers, football players, etc.);
  • Original project and implementation of Central Psychological Laboratory  CSWU, consisting of 8 faculty labs: Psychology of Transport (with passenger car simulator), Experimental Psychology, Online Studies, Methodology of Research and Data Analysis, Psychophysiology, Variometer, Biofeedback, Psychological Diagnosis.

Offer for entrepreneurs

  • Choice and selection for high stress positions;
  • Choice and selection for secondary and high level managerial posts;
  • Consultations in the sphere of motivational system of small and large companies;
  • Expert activity in reference to appeals from judicature for pilots and drivers;
  • Oculomotor analysis of the perception effectiveness of visual advertisements.

Professional experience

Posts connected with academic activity:

  • Akademia Teologii Katolickiej and since 1999 Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, Faculty of Christian Philosophy, Institute of Psychology, Chair of Work and Stress Psychology, since October 1991 - professor extraordinarius, and since 2000 – professor ordinarius and head of PhD Doctoral Studies Program (to 2003), senator 2005-2012;
  • Military Institute of Aviation Medicine, Department of Psychology, Warsaw, assistant professor, professor and head of the Department of Aviation Psychology, April 1981 – 2002; academic consultant 2011 to date;
  • Stanislaw Staszic College of Public Administration in Białystok (2010-2014), lecturer, head of the Institute of Psychology and Member of the Senate;
  • Wyższa Szkoła Suwalsko-Mazurska in Suwałki, lecturer, since 1986, dean of the Faculty of Psychology 1986-2001; rector 202-2010;
  • Polish Academy of Sciences (Polish Antarctic Station Arctowski), researcher, November1978 - March1980;
  • Państwowe Sanatorium dla Nerwowo Chorych w Komorowie k/Warszawy [Mental Health State Sanatorium in Komorowo near Warsaw], clinical psychologist and researcher in Polish-American Research Program VRA-Pol-65 on rehabibiltation of chronic schizophrenics, 1966-1968.


In the field of:

  • Clinical psychology - II degree speciality training
  • Psychology of Transport
  • Aviation psychology
  • Psychophysiology (EEG, eyetracking, biofeedback)


  • Stowarzyszenie Doradców Szkolnych i Zawodowych Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej [Association of School and Professional Advisors of the Republic of Poland]– member (2010 to date),
  • Polish Geographical Society (Polar Club) – member (1981 to date),
  • European Association for Aviation Psychology - full member (1991 to date),
  • The International Military Testing Association - full member (1993 to date),
  • Polskie Towarzystwo Naukowe Człowiek w Ekstremalnych Warunkach [Polish Academic Society Man in Extreme Conditions] – member (2010 to date),
  • Polish Association of Organizational Psychology – member (2012 to date).
  • Polskie Towarzystwo Psychologiczne [Polish Psychological Society] – member (until 2011),
  • Polskie Towarzystwo Ergonomiczne [Polish Ergonomic Society] – member (until 2002),
  • Komitet Badań Kosmicznych i Satelitarnych przy Prezydium PAN [Space and satellite research Committee by the Presidium of the Polish Academy of Sciences] – member (until 2002),
  • Komitet Ergonomii przy Prezydium PAN [Ergonomy Committee by the Presidium of the Polish Academy of Sciences] – member (until1998),
  • Komitet Nauk Psychologicznych [Psychological Sciences Committee] – member (until 1984).