- Areas
- Key words
Theologist of mass media
Academic research conducted
Analyses of movies and TV series
The concept, elaboration and coordination of an annual plan of Media Education and Discussion Forum at the parish of NMP Matki Pięknej Miłości in Warsaw - Tarchomin (2015/2016), a cycle of workshops about movies in the framework Szkoła Mądrości Krzyża (Congregation of the Passion of Jesus Christ Warsaw Gocławek)
CSWU Rector’s Award, 2011
Participation and heading research projects:
- Media audiowizulane wobec wyzwań współczesnego społeczeństwa [Audiovisual media in view of modern society]
- Widzę (nie) znaczy rozumiem [I see does (not) mean I understand]
Offer for entrepreneurs
- Training courses in the field of social communication, body language, media education
Professional experience
Work in media institutions, editorship of papers and magazines, the post of the Program Director in a radio station, academic research work, didactic and organizational work (the post of a Prorector of B. Prus WWSH in the years 2007-2010; head of the CSWU Institute of Media Education and Journalism)
Father Roman Archutowski Warsaw Theological Society