dr Emilia Śmiechowska-Petrovskij

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Key words

Specialist in the field of Braille, technological and cultural education of blind and visually impaired persons. Expert on evaluation and verification of didactic aids, textbooks and materials in Braille, large print and tactile graphics

Academic research conducted

Field of research: special education – education of blind and visually impaired people (typhlopedagogy):

  • technological and Braille education of people with visual impairment;
  • alternative reading materials and adaptation of didactic aids to the needs of recipients with visual impairment;
  • literature and children's book, literary education, including the specificity of literature reception by the reader with visual impairment, disability discourses in children's literature;
  • reception of visual arts by people with visual disabilities.


  • The RoboBraille Consortium (SynscenterRefsnæs);
  • Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain;
  • Univerzita Karlova, Praha, Czech Republic;
  • Expert of the Centre for Education Development;
  • MEN valuer for school coursebooks;
  • Expert at the Office of Electronic Communications.


Initiator of the publishing series „Dzieci z trudnościami…” (Wydawnictwo Naukowe UKSW):

  • 2018 „Dzieci z trudnościami poznawczymi i emocjonalnymi w młodszym wieku. Terapia i wspieranie” [Children with cognitive and emotional difficulties in younger age. Therapy and support];
  • 2017 „Dzieci z trudnościami rozwojowymi w młodszym wieku. Indywidualne programy edukacyjno-terapeutyczne w procesie wspierania dzieci” [Children with developmental difficulties in younger age. Individual educational-thraeutic programs in the process of supporting children];
  • 2016 „Dzieci z trudnościami adaptacyjnymi w młodszym wieku. Aspekty rozwojowe i edukacyjne w kontekście specyfiki różnic kulturowych” [Children with adaptive difficulties in younger age. Developmental and educational aspects in the context of specificity of cultural differences].

Offer for entrepreneurs

  • Forms, method, techniques, tools in education and rehabilitation of the blind and visually impaired;
  • Strategies of adapting didactic materials to the needs of persons with visual impairment;
  • Technologies in spatial orientation of the blind and visually impaired;
  • Making visual arts available to persons with visual impairment.

Professional experience

od 2014 author and head of postgraduate studies „Edukacja przedszkolna i wczesnoszkolna ze wsparciem uczniów z trudnościami edukacyjnymi (różnice kulturowe, zmiana środowiska edukacyjnego)” [Preschool and early school education with the support for students with difficulties (cultural difficulties, change of educational environment)]
2014 editorial Secretary of a journal “Forum Pedagogiczne”
since 2009 academic at the Faculty of Education CSWU, 2009-2014 assistant lecturer, 2014-to date adjunct at the Chair of Special Pedagogy


MEN valuer for school coursebooks for Polish and early school education, meant for education of children with special educational needs in the substantive-didactic scope, and in the scope of the book’s meeting the conditions in its e-form that allow for the application of solutions enabling the reading by students with various kinds of disabilities (since 2015).

Expert of the Centre for Education Development Verification and acceptance of coursebooks and auxiliary books for the blind and visually impaired in Braille and large print, commissioned by the Ministry of National Education – authorising materials for school use, expertises of compliance of the materials with: the manual of creating and adapting illustrations and typhlographic materials for blind students; Braille mathematical notation, physical, chemical, the rules of creating and adapting graphics for blind students, the rules of adapting didactic materials to the Braille version; the rules of adapting didactic materials to the needs of the visually impaired (since 2011).