dr Zdzisław Kobos

start cooperation

Instytut Psychologii UKSW

Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego
ul. Wóycickiego 1/3
01-938 Warszawa

Key words

Specialist in the field of occupation psychology (selection for difficult and dangerous jobs), aviation psychology, transport, stress. Expert in the field of accidents and plane crashes investigation.

Academic research conducted

Scientific research related to selection for high-risk occupations (aviation personnel, fire brigade) and psychophysical burden in high-risk occupations.


  • Polish Air Force University
  • Szkoła Główna Służby Pożarniczej


  • Conducting research in the field of visual perception during aviation exercises on aviation gymnastic special instruments
  • Research grant of the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBiR ) entitled Detektor wczesnych objawów zmęczenia jako element poprawy bezpieczeństwa kierowania pojazdem [Detector of early signs of fatigue as an element of improved driving safety]

Offer for entrepreneurs

  • Evaluation of psychophysical load in high-risk occupations;
  • The influence of shift and night work on the operator’s efficiency;
  • Efficiency in stressful situations;
  • Choice, selection, and professional qualification.

Professional experience

Head of the Psychodiagnostics Lab of the Central Psychological Laboratory CSWU, Head of the Psychology Lab (diagnostics and judicature) at the Military Institute of Aviation Medicine (WIML), specialist in the field of selection for work in fire brigades, research in psychology of transport, etc.


The rights to perform psychological tests in the field of psychology of transport, authorized by ULC to test pilots


Polskie Towarzystwo Kulturoznawcze