- Areas
- Key words
The scientist specializes in issues related to release of metals from wastes using bioleaching. Additionally, she is interested in environment microbiology, drug resistance and waste biodegradation.
Academic research conducted
Disposal and recycling of waste (including hazardous industrial waste). Industrial wastewater and water treatment. Biohydrometallurgy. Bioremediation. Ecotoxicology.
ArcelorMittal Warszawa Sp. z o.o., Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa S.A., Polska Izba Biomasy, Wastech Recycling Sp. z o.o., MPWiK of the capital city of Warsaw, Grupa Lotos S.A., Arcadis Sp. z o.o., Veolia Energia Polska S. A., WFOŚiGW, RDOŚ Warszawa, IOŚ, ARW Baltic, Warsaw University of Technology.
2017/2018 | “Belfer Roku” at Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński Univer-sity in the category “Lectures” |
2014/2015 | I degree Award of the Rector of Warsaw University of Technology for outstanding academic achievements |
Minister of Science and Higher Education Grant, no 0680/B/PO1/2009/37, Usuwanie metali ciężkich z odpadów przemysłowych przy wykorzystaniu mieszanych konsorcjów mikroorganizmów - implementation of a research work.
Offer for entrepreneurs
- Stabilization of industrial hazardous waste with the pos-sibility of its subsequent utilisation, e.g. In construction building;
- Immobilisation of hazardous components and active ma-terials on carrier mediums;
- Recycling of resources and compounds from waste and sludge;
- Restoration of degraded land;
- Biodegradation studies, preparation and supervision of bioremediation works;
- Thermal analysis of materials;
- Elimination of hazardous components from industrial waste (e.g. Antibiotics pesticides, heavy metals);
- Physical-chemical, microbiological, biological and ecotoxicological analyses (water, sewage, waste, products);
- Technical and study expertises in terms of environmental engineering.
Professional experience
since 03.2017 |
Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Sciences
12.2014 - 1.2015 | AGH University of Science and Technology, Lecturer |
since 07.2008 - |
PKO Bank Polski
07-10.2006 | National University of Ireland, Galway Apprenticeship abroad at an Institute of Biochemistry |
- Agile PM Foundation (certificate)
- Prince 2 Foundation i Practitioner (certificate)
- UX Design
- Akademia Managera (a cycle of training courses for management staff)
- Trafiona prezentacja (a training in impression manage-ment)
- Buildng the culture of constant improvement in opera-tional areas (The Polish Bank Association)
- Process management at the level of organization identification, grouping, management
- Train the Trainers (a cycle of training courses for trainers)
- Training for lecturers and academic teachers (Warsaw University of Technology)
- MS Excel and Power Point (intermediate and advanced)