ks. prof. dr hab. Mieczysław Ozorowski

start cooperation

Wydział Studiów nad Rodziną

Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego
ul. Wóycickiego 1/3
01-938 Warszawa


Roman-catholic clergyman, professor ordinarius, specialist in dogmatic theology and family science, project manager in terms of family coaching.

Academic research conducted

Theology of the Church, theology of the sacraments, theology of marriage and family, spiritual support of the family, family coaching


Pope John Paul II Institute in Warsaw; Open University UKSW; Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (Germany); National Pedagogical Dragomanov University in Kiev; Cathedral School in Łuck (Ukraine); Theology Department, University in Trnava (SK); Theological Seminary in Bertoua – Kamerun; Mazowieckie Centrum Polityki Społecznej; Papieski Wydział Teologiczny w Warszawie; Wydział Teologiczny UAM w Poznaniu; Akademia Polonijna w Częstochowie; Theology Department, Unveristy u Fryburg (CH); Wydział Nauczania i Wychowania Katolickiego Łomżyńskiej Kurii Diecezjalnej; Caritas Diecezji Łomżyńskiej; Caritas – Polska ; Instytut Nauk o Rodzinie KUL JP II. – Lublin; Polska Rada Duszpasterska Europy Zachodniej, Komisja ds. Rodzin EP; Kadra Teologii Katolickiej UwB. Białystok; Wydział Nauk Społecznych Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie; Ostrołęckie Towarzystwo naukowe im. Adama Chętnika w Ostrołęce; Katolickie Stowarzyszenie „Civitas Christiana”; Stowarzyszenie Katolicki Ruch Antynarkotyczny – KARAN; Ośrodek Hospicjum Domowe NZOZ Zgromadzenia Księży Marianów – Warszwa ; Instytut Naturalnego Planowania Rodziny INER – Polska; Fundacja Rodzice Szkole; Fundacja Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji; Fides et Ratio, Polish Familiological Association.


  • Preparation of documentation and activity leading to the creation of a discipline: family sciences (2010)
  • Preparation of documentation and leading to the establishment of the Faculty of Family Sciences UKSW (2010)
  • Author of the project of the document Formation and service of priests for the I Synod of the Łomża Diocese 2005.
  • Expert on the development of traineeship program for the graduates of WSRin the project Kompetencjena start [Competencies for the take-off]
  • 2011 - Silver Medal for a long-standing service (President of Poland)
  • 2012 - Gold Cross of Merit (President of Poland)
  • 2016 - Gold Medal from Pope John Paul II Institute in Warsaw
  • 2016 - Medal and a Diploma of the World Association of World Cultural Heritage of the Polish diaspora, Częstochowa

Offer for entrepreneurs

  • Training courses in the field of ecclesiology and sacramentology
  • Training courses in the field of theology of marriage and family
  • Spiritual support of the spouses, family coaching

Professional experience

since 2015 professor ordinarius at UKSW
2004 - 2015 associate professor at UKSW
1993 - 2004 adjunct at the ATK [Academy of Catholic Theology] (UKSW)


2012-2016 President of the Polish Family Association

2008-2017 Head of the Audit Committee of the Society of Dogmatist Theologians

Since 2010 Consultor Member at the Scientific Council of the Polish Episcopal Conference