dr Karolina Zioło-Pużuk

start cooperation

Szkoła Języka i Kultury Polskiej
dla Cudzoziemców WNH UKSW,
ul. Dewajtis 5, domek nr 3,
01-815 Warszawa,

+48 22 561 89 63

Key words

Specialist in terms of teaching foreign languages, mainly Polish as a foreign language, cross cultural communication, work in a multicultural group, and building an effective communication.

Academic research conducted

Teaching foreign languages, teaching Polish as a foreign language, communication studies, cross cultural communication.


  • Media Support Group cooperation in terms of consulting pertaining conducting information and promotional campaign
  • The National Centre for Research and Development, completion of a grant project No POWR.03.01.00-00-T174/18 entitled “Podniesienie kompetencji w zakresie pracy w grupie wielokulturowej i wieloetnicznej” [Rasing competences in the scope of work in a cross cultural and multiethnic group]

Offer for entrepreneurs

  • Trainings in the scope of communication and work in a cross cultural environment,
  • creating a workplace friendly for foreigners,
  • supporting companies in the processes of integrating foreign workers, trainings in the scope of work in various groups of workers,
  • teaching Polish as a foreign language for special purposes, conducting state exams in Polish as a foreign language,
  • creating effective communicative strategies for Companies and organizations.

Professional experience

  • 2017 - adjunct, acting Head of Department School of Polish Language and Culture for Foreigners, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw;
  • 2010-2017, Advisor leading the team for CSR,Department for Communication and Promotion, Polish National Bank;
  • 2013-2015, Lecturer, The Institute of Literary Research, the Polish Academy of Sciences; conducting postgraduate courses Glottodidactics- teaching Polish as a foreign language and Culture Management in the structures of the European Union
  • 2010-2014, Lecturer, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw; conducting classes at The specialization Glottodidactics, teaching Polish as a foreign language, conducting postgraduate classes in Speech-language pathology and Glottodidactics
  • 2010, Head of the Education Team, Etnographic Museum in Warsaw
  • 2005-2010, Lecturer, University of Sheffield, UK;
  • 2004-2005, British Council Chevening Scholarship, academic visit at the University of Sheffield;
  • 2005, Invest in Poland (PAIIZ), a governmental agency, main specialist, work at the project of a campaign promoting Polish economy in the foreign media


Member of: BASEES (British Association of Slavonic and East European Studies) and the Association of Polish and Foreign Teachers of Polish Culture and Language as a Foreign Language Bristol