Anna Czajka-Cunico, post-doctoral degree, associate professor

dr hab., prof. nadzw. Anna Czajka-Cunico

start cooperation

Wydział Nauk Humanistycznych

Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego
ul. Dewajtis 5
01-815 Warszawa

Key words

Researcher in the field of theory and philosophy of culture, issues of cultural identities, multi- and interculturality, problematic aspects of dialogue and polylogue of cultures (Polish-Italian, Polish-German and Polish-German-Jewish relations), and also relations with non-European realities, including interreligious dialogue

Academic research conducted

Categories of integrative humanities (image-icon-picture, dialogue); varieties of dialogue; cultural translation; Polishness in plurimedial texts of culture; poetry as a constitutive element of cultural communities


Universities in Genoa, Turin, Tübingen, Istituto Italiano di Studi Germanici (Rome), University of Warsaw (Faculty of Oriental Studies), University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Polish Academy of Sciences (Institute of Philosophy and Sociology), Centre “Borderland of Arts, Cultures and Nations”, International Cultural Centre (Kraków), National Centre for Culture Poland


Coursebooks for students and researchers:

  • Kultury świata w dialogu [World cultures in dialog], 2012
  • Wielkie Księgi ludzkości [Great Books of Humanity], 2013
  • Międzykulturowość i filozofia [Interculturality and philosophy], 2016

Offer for entrepreneurs

Preparation for taking up professional tasks in the sphere of European and Paneuropean cultures, preparation to undertaking the problems of multiculturality in Poland and abroad.

Professional experience

since 2010

Management Board member of Centrum Studiów Kulturowych i Religijnych “Don Antonio Balletto” in Genoa, member of Scientific Committee of the Foundation for Culture in Genoa

2011-2016 deputy Head of Faculty of Philology Classical Philology and Cultural Studies at the Faculty of Humanities
2014-2017 execution of grant Biblioteka Kultury Polskiej we Włoszech [Polish library in Italy] in Mimesis Publishing House (Milano)


  • Polskie Towarzystwo Kulturoznawcze
  • Wiener Gesellschaft für Interkulturelle Philosophie, Vienna
  • Gesellschaft für Interkulturelle Philosophie, Cologne
  • PEN Club Poland
  • National Centre for Culture Poland