Evaluation of humanistic competences developed in the pedagogical fields in a comparative perspective.

Evaluation of humanistic competences developed in the pedagogical fields in a comparative perspective


Evaluation of humanistic competences developed in the pedagogical fields in a comparative perspective implemented on Faculty of Education of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw in association with Faculty of Education of Catholic University (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore) in Milan.

Project aim

Comparing humanistic competencies shaped on pedagogical faculties of both universities (CSWU and UCSC) with reference too European standards of academic education determined by the Bologna Declaration.

Research method

  1. development of the character of humanistic competencies shaped on pedagogical faculties;
  2. research design and conducting pilot study of the above mentioned competencies among students of both faculties;
  3. the main study and comparative analysis of the material gathered.

History of execution

The project was divided into three parts planned for realization in the following years: 2018-2020. In the first year, the character of humanistic competence shaped on pedagogical faculties was supposed to be developed, and in the second – research design and conducting pilot study of the abovementioned competences among students of both faculties, while at the last stage of the project – the main study and comparative analysis of the material gathered. The culmination of the research was preparation of a comparative publication, and its practical effect – offer of a potential modification of potential humanistic training program at each of the faculties, naturally according to individual needs of the universities.

The implementation of the program was suspended  (20.11.2018) considering the sudden death of the Italian project manager. Despite this fact, the actions conducted and results achieved are worth documenting.

Effect of implementation

  • Selecting the areas of education for comparative research;
  • Comparing humanistic curricula of both faculties.

Impact of the result on

Supporting personal development of the students and preparing them for professional work, civic life and active participation in creating a knowledge society.