Application of Bibliodrama in the process of psychotherapy of resocialization and education

Application of Bibliodrama in the process of psychotherapy of resocialization and education


Bibliodrama is an efficient method of psychological and educational help, especially in the process of educating mature adolescent attitudes and in the process of resocialization.

Project/study aim

Development of original notion of technique of bibliodrama helpful in the process of convalescence and education

Research method

Refinement of the notion and its verification during psychological-spiritual workshops

History of execution

After publication of the book: R. Jaworski, Bibliodrama jako spotkanie [Bibliodrama as a meeting]. Płocki Instytut Wydawniczy, Płock 2017, which is a form off a theoretical basis for the implemented project and after the collection of numerous experiences in the field of execution in various bibliodrama environments as a pastoral technique, research is undertaken in order to implement this technique to the process of education and revalidation among adolescents.

Effect of implementation

The development of a specific form of help - the method of Bibliodrama for people experiencing the process of rehabilitation and for adolescents, especially ones at risk of social exclusion.

Impact of the result on: development of science, economy, society

The application of bibliodrama in the process of educating mature attitudes of adolescents and in the process of resocialization will contribute to the development of the integral development of adolescents, especially their part which is at risk of negligence or social exclusion.