Polish culture library in Italy

Polish culture library in Italy


Biblioteka Kultury Polskiej we Włoszech [Polish culture library in Italy] - Grant of the National Programme for the Development of Humanities

Project/study aim

Sharing main works of Polish humanities with the European audience

Research method

Historical-critical analysis of cultural texts, identificaion of works in their cultural contexts, linguistic and intercultural translation, discussions on inter-university international forums

History of execution

In the years 2014-2017 important works of Polish humanities were published: Jan Białostocki, Il cavaliere polacco, 2015, Stanisław Brzozowski, Cultura e vita, 2016, Władysław Stróżewski, Intorno al bello, 2017, Maria Ossowska, Norme morali, 2017. Publication of particular volumes was accompanied by presentations involving prominent Polish and international researchers (Rome, Genoa, Kraków) and conferences devoted to their topic in intercultural approach: Colloquia Biblioteki Kultury Polskiej we Włoszech. Polishness around the worldI: Stanisław Brzozowski, 3.06.2016 (Warsaw) and Colloquia Biblioteki Kultury Polskiej we Włoszech. Polskość w świecie II [Colloquia of the Library of Polish Culture in Italy. Polishness around the world II]: Jan Białostocki, 19.09.2017. The project was concluded with an international conference Sto lat myśli i kultury polskiej we Włoszech [A century of Polish thought and culture in Italy] (University of Genoa, 23 May 2018)

Effect of implementation

In the project of complex presentation and mapping the position of Polish humanities, a strong cultural transfer has been performed. Foreign readers were provided with a canon of Polish humanities texts, which enables learning, examining and enjoying the achievements of Polish culture, and therefore motivated communication on all levels of reality. Translations were made, providing terminology for research on Polish humanities in this way. The translations were accompanied by Introductions and Afterwords by Polish and Italian researchers. The publications of Polish classics are disseminated by a renowned Publishing House with an established position on the European publishing market, and the volumes of the Library found their way in syllabi of Italian university studies. On the basis of texts of Polish classics included in the Library, already works of Italian researchers devoted to Polish authors emerged (e.g. G. C. Sciolla on Jan Białostocki and his iconology), an Italian national research project in cooperation with Polish institutions, devoted to J. Białostocki, is in preparation. Seminars that constitute a continuation of problems posed during conferences devoted to Polish humanities are being organized, and references of Italian researchers to Polish authors are on the increase.

Information on achieved innovations (possible)

Positive changes in perceiving the Polish historical and contemporary reality, creating and intensifying scientific contracts. Placing Polish classics in university curricula. Including the standpoint of Polish humanities in discussions pertaining European and world problems.

Impact of the result on: development of science, economy, society

Channels of academic communications, stimulating and intensifying research, also the ones pertaining Poland. Research results of the standpoints of Polish humanities were disseminated, which bears influence on the quality of intercultural and economic relations.